Friday, May 24, 2024

AI in the Gaming Industry – What Next?

The rise in artificial intelligence is making an impression on every industry, and gaming is no different. Some titles already employ the system, but the future of AI is very much ahead of us, and this is only the beginning.

Any development that enhances the playing experience is a benefit to this sector, and artificial intelligence is a phenomenon that promises to raise those levels to completely new heights.

AI Already in Play

We’ve seen AI playing a part in gaming for many years, and some good examples can be found in the online casino industry. Different players prefer different games, and they make their choice from the many hundreds of titles available.

Having played a few games, artificial intelligence kicks in to suggest similar titles that the player might like. For example, if you’ve been enjoying a few spins of Joker Jewels, the operator will suggest other options within that joker/jester category.

That’s AI working in a basic form, but the technology promises to do much more for online casinos and the gaming industry as a whole. Artificial intelligence will continue to assess data, make suggestions and help to prevent fraud, but it’s the enhanced player experience potential that is most exciting.

Interactive Gameplay

AI has the power to put the control of the game into the hands of the player. Instead of reacting to set gameplay, they will be able to create new scenarios and new adventures, as the game reads their gaming processes.

The machine learning in place will then be used to control non-playable characters (NPCs). These would typically be enemies, or possibly collaborators that are working with you as part of a team. In regular gameplay, the player cannot control these characters, and until now, their part in the game has been rigid.

With artificial intelligence in use, those NPCs can react to how the player goes about winning the game, and that will adapt accordingly. It’s a huge game-changer in the industry, and there are many different scenarios where AI could be used.

The World of Sport

Sport is one of the most popular areas of video gaming, and AI has a bright future in this sector. Many titles are team games, so soccer, tennis, football and rugby could see opponents assess a player’s style and react accordingly.

Even a solitary sport such as golf has potential. AI could read how far you hit the ball, and place new water hazards or bunkers in those areas, so you have to readjust.

Changing the Face of Gameplay

There is a place for AI in all types of games. If we consider those in the horror genre, many are based on the art of survival. Avoiding the killer involves hiding and unlocking clues, but the NFC, in this instance, could work out how you are trying to evade them.

Artificial intelligence can balance any advantages for the player, while it can also be used to enhance tension by delaying the killer’s next move.

Similarly, in any battle or MOBA games, opponents can adapt to your style of play. In short, as the player gets better, the non-playable characters will ensure that the game gets harder. It’s going to be a big benefit to players who reach the end of gameplay quickly, and there is less chance of them finding titles to be ‘too easy.’

The Potential Hazards of AI

There are concerns in some areas over the potential downsides of AI. Technology is taking over human jobs in some sectors, but could there be any threat to the video gaming industry?

The fact that games become more challenging could potentially lead to fewer sales. Players tend to move on from their favorites when they become too easy, or they simply get bored with the same gameplay. If those games are constantly evolving, consumers could stay loyal for longer, without heading down to the store to buy new replacements.

For the players, there are the usual concerns over data privacy and security. Gamers start young, so the industry must work hard to ensure that AI is under control and doesn’t cross the line in terms of data collection.

In regards to gameplay, developers need to ensure that the non-playable characters can’t develop to such an extent that the game becomes impossible. That would disengage the player and leave them to look elsewhere for their entertainment.

There are definite challenges, and it’s a case of making sure that developers have ultimate control over artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is already available in some video games, but the technology is in its infancy. We’ve seen how it’s already making its mark in the industry, and how it will influence gameplay moving forward.

It has huge potential, and while concerns remain over AI, the power to enhance the playing experience means there are exciting times ahead.


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